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The beginning appears to be a normal stage of Fairy Wars, but then the normal Touhou window layout explodes to the sides and Rumia comes throwing danmaku at you. My God, it's full of stars! Failure McFailFace I'm h It's great to have you two! Here is the normal mode of the Dave battle for those who found the original a little too taxing. The script contains three nonspells, three spells and a special Gamma spell for both characters. touhou danmaku all star medley game

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From time to time, retrying and returning to title crashes the game.

Touhou Danmaku All-Star Medley Download Game

Join the Discord server for progress updates and to request features! A while back, a nico nico user by dahmaku name of "yuke" uploaded a video where pretty much every touhou character from the windows era Up to TD had a spellcard on after another.

I do however release demo's every once in a while, usually after I release a new "day" read below. Infinite Ultima Wave on October 31, Would you adnmaku able to do these, if they were released?

Touhou danmaku all star medley

Other moments merley the danmaku isn't inspired, its probably unfair, and doesn't look like it was designed for anything except show rather than someone playing and enjoying the fight Gengetsu and Mungetsu. Sensing the unusual aura, Reimu goes out to investigate The beginning appears to be a normal stage of Fairy Wars, but then the normal Touhou window layout explodes to the sides and Rumia comes throwing danmaku at you.

Feel free to decompile the project and take a look, it's not obfuscated Though some stxr may be messy, needing rework. I couldn't find any information about this on the second one, so correct me if I'm wrong.

Absolutely, i mean, it has infitine lives, although my death count would skyrocket after Hina.

touhou danmaku all star medley game

This is, though labelled "Hard", the original intended difficulty and, as such, should probably be tried firs And then, the game suddenly crashed, with only the music remaining. Full Game Danmakufu Version: Java2hu is built on LibGDX, and provides all it's utilities and code along with it.

Touhou danmaku all star medley download

BulletForge Browse Users Adv. Right after Yuki and Mai: Uruwi Nightmare of Torrential Precipitation million goober Nickname: Monochrome Reversal by Adam. A CopyOnWriteArrayList can help with that problem, but, since a lot of copying is involved, can make the danmku slower it hasn't affected my game by much, even though I use that kind of list for my projectiles and every other kind of object.

Seeing as how I'm absolutely terrible at any kind of bullet hell game, no, I would not be able to do that.

touhou danmaku all star medley game

Aside the technical bugs, the rest of your game looks really good, pattern-wise as well as graphics-wise I really need to learn OpenGL from the looks of it. So sorry for the late replies! FlamingRok on November 01, The demo looks promising so far, though the return of the cheeto lasers is pretty ominous. FlamingRok Rena is pleased with your efforts. I tried to replicate the attacks and added a little original spin to it Failure McFailFace I'm h A stick of the tricky variety.

I can urinate and whistle at the same time. In other words, I think it would benefit not only you, but the players especially, if you were to take a moment and focus on the gameplay aspect alittle more.

touhou danmaku all star medley game

Interested in playing some boss fights I made? Hey everyone, java2hu here. It looks great so far.

However, to provide the best experience, I've decided not to release the engine until after the All Star Remake is done, so you won't have missing features when you start using it.


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